Saturday, November 15, 2008

Manhattan for Obama

From this very cool Times map, it looks like Manhattan (somehow the borough is being shown as a county, Dom's correction, Manhattan is New York County, King's county is Brooklyn) gave Obama the strongest support at 85% in the entire country. Surprisingly, Staten Island went to McCain by a small margin.(Nothing extra below fold)


Prithviraj said...

I think DC tops with 93% support.

Dyutiman Das said...

yes, you are right. I checked most of the major cities but forgot DC. somehow DC is special, "no representation". Yes, actually how many electoral votes does DC have? Turns out that DC has a "floating" number of electors, which is equal to the least populated state.

Prithviraj said...

It has 3 votes, same as Alaska! :-)

Dyutiman Das said...

More careful inspection showed that the Bronx County was even higher at 88%.